Bird Decoys (3d printed)

I’ve decided to add a new section to the site due to all the bird decoys I’ve been doing up and down the country for Suffolk Bird group, RSPB, National trust, wind farms and research centres.

The bird decoys have so far been used to entice birds into an area to help with conservation, although recently one decoy was put with an injured bird to settle it down while it recuperates.

The material used is called PLA and is made from corn starch or potato starch and is biodegradable.

I’d like to thank Chris Keeling (Suffolk Bird group) as without talking to him one day in the shop about 3d printing the idea of sculpting and printing decoys would have never happened. I’d also like to thank Wez Smith from the RSPB for highlighting different project needs and sharing contacts/knowledge etc.

So below are printed and painted examples of the birds I’ve done, along with eggs for a few species and recently a trial run on house martin nests.

Please contact me for prices and to order.

Depending on the bird species, prints can be from 4 hours a bird, up to longer prints of around a day or two.